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How Early Should Spring Vein Treatment Start?

getting veins examined

Springtime Spider Vein Treatment

Winter is fading away, and spring is on its way — which means it's time to get back outdoors! Many of our patients inquire about treating their spider veins in the springtime so they can feel confident wearing their favorite shorts or dresses without noticeable blemishes. If you’re considering vein treatment this spring, here’s why you should seek treatment as soon as possible:

Kissing Leg Blemishes Goodbye

Spider vein treatments such as sclerotherapy are cosmetic in nature and are therefore minimally invasive and non-surgical. These treatments reduce the side of spider veins, allowing you to feel more comfortable showing off your legs. With little to no downtime, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy everything Colorado has to offer this spring.

Getting Results Before Summer

Looking forward to an adventurous summer? It’s best to take care of your vein treatments now so that you can enjoy your favorite warm-weather activities — from hiking to golfing and white water rafting!

Additionally, the sun’s UV rays can limit or damage the success of your varicose vein treatment, as UV light can cause discoloration near the treatment region. It’s best to avoid direct sun exposure for 3-4 weeks following your appointment, so getting started now will help ensure you don’t need to spend a single Colorado summer day indoors.

Book Your Spider Vein & Varicose Vein Treatment Today

As Lone Tree’s and Colorado Springs’ leading expert in vein disease and treatment, Albert Vein Institute is dedicated to using leading-edge technologies to correct both medical and cosmetic vein issues with shorter recovery times and improved long-term results.

Contact our team today to learn more about your treatment options this spring!