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Common Treatments for Varicose and Spider Veins

Spider Vein Treatment

Common Options for Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment

If you’ve struggled with painful varicose veins or unsightly spider veins, you have likely thought about how to treat these conditions so you can improve your wellbeing and feel more confident in your appearance. However, you likely don’t know exactly what can be done to improve these conditions — and that can make you feel particularly nervous about seeking treatment.

What Causes Spider Veins on Legs?

Spider veins have many possible causes, such as damaged or weakened blood valves, burst blood vessels from sun damage or pressure, prolonged periods of standing or sitting, hormone imbalances, previous blood clots, and more. In contrast to varicose veins, spider veins are usually small and do not cause any pain. More importantly, spider veins can be unsightly and the main cause of your spider veins could be indicative of a more serious medical condition. Luckily, there are many treatments available for spider vein removal.

While every patient has different needs and meets different qualifications, these are some of the common treatments for varicose and spider veins.

Are Spider Veins Dangerous?

Spider veins are rarely dangerous. They may be embarrassing and annoying, but rarely do they pose a severe health threat. Although uncommon, they may lead to the formation of ulcers (large sores in the skin) usually near the ankles. Although spider veins typically do not cause health problems, you may wish to treat them for cosmetic reasons. We provide many options for treating spider veins or removing them altogether.

CoolTouch (Endovenous Laser Ablation)

This minimally-invasive treatment uses a local anesthetic to numb the treatment before a small laser is inserted and advanced into a saphenous vein. Once confirmed in the right place, the laser will be activated to gently and safely heat and close your vein so it can be absorbed into your body.

ClosureFast (Venefit)

Another minimally-invasive treatment, ClosureFast uses a small catheter to deliver radiofrequency energy to the inside of saphenous veins in order to heat and seal it. Similar to the previous procedure, once sealed, the collapsed vein will be reabsorbed into healthy tissue.


In this procedure, your varicose veins will be removed from under the surface of your skin through very small punctures in the skin (making it another minimally-invasive treatment method). In some cases, it can be used in conjunction with CoolTouch or ClosureFast — the vein will be closed then removed.

Ultrasound Medical Guided Sclerotherapy

This treatment is typically used when the problematic veins are too small or twisted to be treated with a laser. Ultrasound technology is used to guide injections to the source of a problem, and then a solution is injected into the vein to close it.

Visual Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

This procedure is done to correct the unsightly appearance of surface veins. Veins are injected with either a foam or liquid solution that causes the walls to close. As long as there are no further symptoms associated with the veins (swelling, pain, etc.) this treatment is done on its own or in combination with a topical laser.

Since the procedures done to treat varicose and spider veins are minimally-invasive, you typically can be back to your regular schedule and activities in just a few days!

As Lone Tree’s and Colorado Springs’ leading expert in vein disease and treatment, Albert Vein Institute is dedicated to using leading-edge technologies to correct both medical and cosmetic vein issues with shorter recovery times and improved long-term results.

Call our Lone Tree (303) 857-5111 or Colorado Springs (719) 550-8346 location to learn more about your treatment options.